MACROS Macros are recorded keyboard and mouse events. All keystrokes and mouse events are saved to a disk file, from which they can be recalled later for playback. Each macro must have a name, up to 50 characters long. The length and number of macros is limited only by available disk space. ! Recording Playback Deleting RECORDING To initiate recording of a macro, simply use the Macros/Record menu option. You will be presented with a dialog box that will have you enter a name for the macro. The name will automatically be converted to upper-case, and spaces will be converted to underscores. Accept the dialog box, and recording will commence. G To record the playback of other macros, simply use the Macros/Playback menu option to pick a macro for playback. When recording the playback of other macros, pick the macros alphanumerically, rather than with cursor keys or the mouse, as the position of a macro on the list can change with the addition or deletion of macros. B To stop recording, use the Recording/Stop Recording menu option. Macros PLAYBACK To playback a macro, simply pick it from the list offered in the Macros/Playback menu option. When recording a macro that plays back other macros, pick the macros for playback by entering the name of the macro when in the list, (use the complete name to anticipate the addition of similar macros in the future). The list will apha-numerically select the macro you desire. This is the better way to select macros, rather than by position as selected by the mouse or cursor keys, because the changes in the macro list caused by additions and deletions of macros will not affect the proper selection of the macro. When selecting a macro alph-numerically, spaces will automatically be replaced with underscores, as spaces are not allowed in the macro name. Macros DELETING MACROS You can delete macros by using the Macros/Delete menu option. Pick the macro you wish to delete from the list, and the macro will be deleted after you confirm the action. Be careful deleting macros, as you may delete a macro that is used by another macro. If this happens, the macro handler has no way of knowing that the macro has been deleted, and another macro will be payed back, disrupting the proper sequence of events. Macros